Comprehensive site for the belbien brand

New Pattern and Sample book

belbien Sample Book 2023-24

belbien samplebook 2023-24

“Starting from what we can do at present.
As a manufacturer of plastic products, there are certain things that we need to think about. As one of the elements that make up a sustainable society, we take our mission seriously and advance forward one step at a time.”

This is the latest sample book of non-combustible, decorative, adhesive Belbien sheets. It features a total of 754 patterns, including 20 new ones. You can check quality and feel with the help of actual samples.
Index and partial technical data are attached (as a separate volume)

If you wish to receive a copy, please request one by filling in the dedicated form. (Member registration is required)

2023 New Pattern

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C.I. TAKIRON Corporation
Flooring & Decorative Materials Overseas Sales Group
Flooring & Decorative Materials Dept.

Tel +81-3-5715-7023 Fax +81-3-5715-7024

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